reasons for low water pressure

Reasons For Low Water Pressure

November 30 2016

Common Reasons for Low Water Pressure

Some people can live without caffeine, but most people can’t do without a good shower in the morning. It is frustrating when you turn on the faucet in the shower and only a little stream of water comes out of the shower head. You realize that it’s going to take forever to get to work and that your boss won’t be happy.

Determining the cause of the problem is the first step toward repairing it. Troubleshoot the problem by exploring all of the possible causes and making the necessary repairs. Here are some of the common reasons for low water pressure:

  •         Faulty pressure regulators
  •         Low pressure to the house
  •         Debris in the water or in the fixtures
  •         Old water valves
  •         Water leaks
  •         Buildup of mineral deposits

Be Sure to Clean Your Pipes

This tends to be one of the most common reasons for low water pressure. In older homes, the pipes are typically made of iron and they tend to plug with rust, which breaks loose and plugs up aerators, valves, and creates a restriction in the pipes.

In your water heater, the interior plastic pipe sometimes disintegrates and the small pieces of plastic plugs up your pipes. When the water department works on the pipes it’s common for rust or gravel to get in them and create plugs in your pipes. 

Replace Pressure Regulators

Below the water connection in the front of your home, you’ll find a pressure regulator. If the pressure regulator stops working, it may cause low water pressure in your home. This particular plumbing problem is difficult to repair and you may have to call a professional.

Repair Water Leaks

Over time and during cold weather, cracks in your pipes can cause water leaks. Water leaks can ultimately cause low water pressure because not all of the water is making its way to your faucet. Check your pipes regularly for damage or leaks.

Remove Mineral Deposits

Pipes often clog due to mineral deposits building up in the system. These buildups clog faucet and shower heads, preventing full water pressure. Cleaning out the faucet heads and shower heads regularly may help alleviate the problem.

Ultimately, if you can’t correct the problem yourself, you will have to hire a professional plumber.

There are many qualified plumbers who we’ve worked with who come and select fixtures and supplies for their projects. If you find yourself needing new bathroom or kitchen supplies, come visit our showroom to view the latest selection of modern, energy-efficient fixtures for your sinks, tubs and showers.

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